Mga tagasunod

Miyerkules, Mayo 20, 2015


In PUP, we have the lowest tuition fee in the Philippines, (I guess). But it is not only about the money that we pay every semester but it is also about the quality of the education you will avail. Despite of the low tuition fee, (which is 12 pesos per unit) most of our colleges were in line with the other top universities.

You will spend more money at eating, hanging out and travelling from your house to the university than the tuition fee itself. If you want to save money, there are a lot of dormitories along Teresa Street. You just need to be determined to find the most convenient rooms and cheapest rents. The cost is from 1000-1500 for bed-space. If you want to be on solitaire, you can rent your own room. The cost is from 3000-5000 exclusive of the water and electricity bills.

You should not expect an air-conditioned classroom in the main campus. It is indeed a factor when you want to focus more in your lesson. However, in PUP you need to deal with that. If you're an upcoming freshman you should be conditioning yourself to listen from your professors with just one or two electric fans working.

In my point of view, this is one of reasons why PUPians is having good evaluations from their employers. It says that they accept all of the jobs being offered to them (that's according from a previous survey in the College of Science). From the company survey, it shows that PUPians are not picky in terms of doing their responsibilities in the company. PUPians are trained to be patient firstly in the classrooms. They are conditioned in the reality of life. In a typical private university room, you will have a freezing cold room. However, when you step out from the university, the world will not always give you a chilling environment.

In some colleges in the main campus, there are well-ventilated rooms in College of Nutrition, College of Technology, College of Computer Management and College of Tourism. So if you're one of the picky types of students who want to enter a state university, get a course under those colleges.

One of my professors in Sociology explained why he called PUP as "the mini Philippines". He told us that in PUP you can see everything that you can observe in the outside world. Including types of people, foods, beliefs of a typical Filipino community.

In 2010, there were several students who threw chairs from the sixth floor of the main campus building. It became a hot potato in media to the point that some companies (that was a rumor) released official announcements that they will not accept students from PUP anymore. (I haven't confirmed that, tho.) It's quite ironic that many students are continuously being hired in those mentioned companies. So I therefore conclude, that it was not true.

In PUP, there is academic freedom, just like in the University of the Philippines. Those two state universities are well known for activism. I'm not a fan of some activist group and I don't have any acquaintances from those groups. But I don't condemned those acts that they do. I believe that if nobody was listening from the administration/ officials of an organization. There will be no voice from the commoners. If there were no students who kept on fighting against the increase of tuition fees even in state universities. It could have been a nightmare for every Filipinos to afford studying in a university.

If there will be no other resorts, activism is the final option.

There are three types of students in PUP.
- The Simpleng Tao
- The Burgis
- The Passbyers

The "Simpleng Tao" are those typical students. There is no official uniform in PUP so you all have the rights to wear whatever you want to. Simpleng Tao's are those students who wear backpack, carry books with their hands, wear t-shirts and jeans. They are those students who go to the university because they need to. It's quite hard to recognize the faces of these students. They will just pass by in front of you and at the moment they passed by you will forget their existence.

The Burgis are those students who frequently go to PUP for "pogi and ganda points". They often go to PUP with lots of accessories wearing luxurious headsets, caps, high hills, dresses, long sleeves, with blonde hair, spiky hair (for men), drinking a glass of perfume before leaving from home. They are the types of students that you will really recognize. They are often termed as the "crush ng bayan". They are the famous personalities in social networking sites too.

The Passbyer's are those students who wear flip flops and t-shirt. Sometimes they just wear sandos carrying a piece of paper bag where their things are inside. They literally passed by. You will not think that they are even studying in PUP.  They are in PUP to buy a bottle of vinegar.

There are a lot of events being held in the campus. One of the highlights of the year is the Foundation day in the month of October. There will be some booths on the both side of the catwalk. (Catwalk is the term used for pathways as you enter the main gate of PUP.) Colleges, organizations and even fraternities establish their own booths. Fraternities have the chance to encourage some students to join their organizations too. It is legal and accredited from the administration of PUP.

During the Foundation Day, they establish the mini-perya inside PUP. There are some rides and game booths near the gate and the university gym. I had tried it so many times but I don't assure you the safeness of the rides because those are the usual equipment rented in plazas and other communities. I recommend every PUPians to try the rides in our campus mini-perya, tho. You will really regret if you didn't even try to engage yourself into these kinds of annual celebrations.

Annually the colleges, departments and even the programs in PUP celebrate their own foundation day. Those are what we call College/ Department/ Program (insert program here) week. You will be lucky if your program/ college / department has their individual celebrations. It is because I will assure you that there will be no classes for those days.

Usually, there are a lot of games like amazing race, there are a lot of pageants, talent search and even amazing race. It will depend upon the activities that will be held. If you're that kind of student who wants to gain more friends, who wants to earn popularity, it's your chance to shine!

The student council oftentimes organizes rock band concerts in the PUP gym. But it is not annually. I think it is just possible if they were able to contact some of their acquaintances from some famous bands.

(In order to know more about PUP, visit our campus' website:

Lunes, Mayo 18, 2015


  1. Honesty
It is really difficult to give everything to someone. Nowadays, I will admit that it is difficult to give even your facebook passwords and other social networking sites' information to the person you love. I couldn't tell anything about the pre-steps that you need to do whenever it’s the time or not to give your social networking information to your lovers. (You’re the only person who will know that.) Not me neither your bestfriend. 
In younger generations, the frequent reason of breaking up is because of flirting and third party. The common medium is internet. It is very convenient for us to know different people through facebook, twitters, emails and other sites. So in order to prevent it, you need someone who will check and balance everything.
It’s more of a psychological thing, that if you think that the person you love, look after on your cyber activities. You wouldn't think of doing something that might affect your relationship.

  1. Understanding
It’s common for couples to fight because of various reasons. We can’t help that kind of situation. However, there is a leeway in order for you to deal with this.
Whenever your lover is trying to start a fight about a particular reason, think in a wider range. You need to think of the core reason why it happened. You just need to realize that everything happened for a reason. He or she will not just get angry without any reason at all. You need to think in a different perspective.
It’s difficult for you to know if you’re the one committed a mistake because you will find thousands of ways to defend yourself.
Try to ask yourself, “Will I feel the same way if she/he did that thing to me?”

  1. Sweetness
At the time that you saw someone and you hardly fell in love with him/her. It’s difficult think of the things that will make that person happy. Everyone wants to be admired, we all wanted to be loved. We think of myriads of ways to please a person. When you fall in love, you just need to do those things that will make that person smile.
In love, you don’t need to sustain any level of courtships. It is not the same as giving grades to your students and thinking of starting from the very lowest grade in the first quarter. Then, as you move to the next quarters, you need to give higher grades. Often teachers are very careful of not giving the highest in the first quarter because they say that they can't sustain.
When you have a special person in life, you just need to do new things as often as you can. You don’t need to think of sustaining any levels. You just need to be more creative and resourceful how to make something that will make that person smile every day, every hour, every minute and every second.
You don’t need to buy expensive things during your monthly and yearly celebration. You can make a card. You write letters. You can make notes. You can print out some of her/his pictures and make a collage. Those simple things with effort will truly make that person happy.

Movie Review: Dead Poet's Society (1989)

We  can act like a robot, but we can’t act like an individual.
- John Keating

At the moment you step into the University, you will realize that “The Dead Poets Society” is now the story of your life. The movie itself shows the reality of the educational system we have been part of. We often think of the idea that we use the book to learn. We follow every single detail of it. We talk about every single idea in it. But we often don’t realize that the most important part of learning is explaining our own thoughts, using our words, voicing out. This is what Mr. Keating did in his English class.

The character of Mr. Keating is what I really admire in the movie. Everything about him is truly amazing and different, different in a good way. The movie reflects the idea of “academic freedom”. Since, I am now one of the thousand students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, I can really feel the deepness of this reality. Perhaps, I haven’t really understood what is “learning” and what is “education” until now.

Mr. Keating gave me an idea to find my ways to do so. John Keating said: “I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself.”  What can knowing everything bring to us?  Knowledge, being an intellectual or being a professor.  Can it even bring these to us?  We can be intellectuals or we can know everything that was taught to us, but being an individual is something different.  Education of an individual is not that simple.  We  can act like a robot, but we can’t act like an individual.  Being that individual needs some things:  your own words, voice etc.  These are what make us an individual and when we become an individual we can graduate from our schools.
He is a man of his own principles. Even though, some of his colleagues criticized him for doing such “stupid” methods of teaching. He still did what he thinks right for his students. He insists that stupidity is irrelevant to his unique and “true” meaning of teaching. It tackles the traditional system of the education which seems to be universal but now “not working”. The figure of Mr. Keating is what exactly I wanted to be as a professor in the future. He sees everything in a different perspective and views. He considers his students when he teaches. He doesn’t decide for himself only. He shares everything.
Schools like Welton without Mr. Keating are really boring institutions to learn at. In my opinion, students are just taught to be bookish, not to be intelligent in these kinds of institutions. The students in his English class are so fortunate to encounter a man of right values about learning. Even though I didn’t get the chance to be part of his class, I am too way so grateful to be part of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The story is parallel to our university’s principles wherein around the four corners of the organization, we can express our thoughts and practice our rights as students.
Another important idea in the movie is about the concept of parenting. Some parents dictate everything into their children. Some parents give their own standards of right and wrong. They are the one who make a complete draft of their children’s future. This is a usual story that leads for students to fail and to shift to their “passion”. Students usually follow their “reasons” because their parents say it to do so. The character of Neil, is a perfect imagery of this life. His father is one of them too. I get to sympathize with Neil in the movie. I also had this experience that I chose my major not because I’d love it, but because I tried to meet the expectations of those people around me. However, it is an isolated case because my high school teachers and our principal influenced me to do so.

Neil says, “For the first time in my whole life, I know what I wanna do!  And for the first time, I’m gonna do it!  Whether my father wants me to or not!  Carpe diem!”

I feel like empathizing with his bit of success as he decided what he things good for himself for the first time. It is usually difficult for some students like Neil to break the cycle and getaway form the chains of their superiors, it may include their parents, other professors, and even peers. This movie features the true value of learning, the true learning process and the reality of the unbreakable truth. – Carpe Diem! 

Movie Review: Detachment (2011)

It is about an educator and the school where he works which are both on the verge of collapse in this hard-hitting drama from director Tony Kaye. The film was released on 2011 and several months after it was released it gained lot of recognition from the various award giving bodies in the world at the 37th Deauville American Film Festival in France, 24th Tokyo International Film Festival and the 35th São Paulo International Film Festival. The movie was about 2 hours long and is a suspense-drama film which tells something about academic issues in America. It is about Henry Barthes (Adrien Brody) who is a gifted teacher whose psyche has been taking a beating -- he still bears emotional scars from his mother's drunken tirades while he was a child, and he's been forced to look after his grandfather (Louis Zorich) as he dies a slow, painful death. Henry has become a substitute teacher rather than fully commit himself to his students, but his latest assignment takes him to a high school where the building is in sad shape and the staff are faring no better. The principal, Carol Dearden (Marcia Gay Harden), is dealing with an unsupportive school board and a hostile husband (Bryan Cranston), Mr. Wiatt (Tim Blake Nelson) is being driven to the edge of a nervous breakdown, Mr. Seaboldt (James Caan) is too cynical to care about his work anymore, and guidance counselor Dr. Parker (Lucy Liu) spends more time insulting the students than helping them. As Barthes struggles to find a reason to continue, two troubled kids break through his wall of ennui -- Meredith (Betty Kaye), an overweight student who is a target for bullies among the students and staff, and Erica (Sami Gayle), a 15-year-old who has sex for money and is used as a punching bag by those around her. The film was set into an academic setting, a high school in America. It takes place in the modern era because the issues tackled in the story are more on the problems the American facing today. It was not directly stated in the film though. The conflict in the story is when people started to like Henry for his personality. As an audience, I can see two conflicts in the film; the first one is when Henry decided to send Erica, the girl whom he just have seen in the streets, to the home of fostered children and the second one is when Meredith confessed something to his substitute teacher.

The film is about the American academic issues about students and teachers. The main themes of the film are the American academic culture and adopting into the needs and problems of students at high school.

The atmosphere of the film is sad. The settings, the music and the way the actors express energy is more on melancholic. There are sorrows that you can feel from each and every characters of the story. The movie is fast in terms of the transitions of the scenes. The lightning in the film was quite old-fashioned; perhaps it is related to the themes of the story or the atmosphere of the movie. A lot of the scenes were shot with darkness. There is also a frequent zooming in of the lenses to the characters while they are speaking and while they are doing something. The camera always moves a lot during the scenes. The phasing of the scenes in the film was quite bad and you can easily notice the rough transitions. On the other hand, the music of the film was good. It was effective to release all the emotions in the scenes. There are many music used in the film but sound effects is quite less numerous. The mood in the film was also molded through the sounds used. The music used is somehow slow but sometimes the beat is getting fast making it a suspense-drama movie.

It was a good film. I would recommend it for those students finding a good corpus for film analysis. I would also recommend it to the general viewers. It is not only a film for entertainment but it is full of emotions, learning and realization about American culture. One of the scenes I like in the film is when Erica, the teenage girl, started to change her perspectives in life. Her mind was illumined by Henry. Among the scenes that I cannot forget in the movie is when Meredith ate the black cupcake then the next happening made a very shocking ending. That scene was superbly made and the suspense was really striking the audience. This film had a difference into other films in terms of the characterization. It was effectively shown in the film how reach characters played a crucial role in the story. Each scenes and characters is explaining an important issue in relation to its theme. 

The American culture was shown in the film. It shows a unique characteristic of a particular culture. Of course, this focused on the academic aspect of their living involving he students, teachers, the academic institutions and the parents as well. It shows a more independent way of living for those students. The movie was set into a private institution where parents are expecting to give the service that they need in exchange f the right cost that they are paying. Parents are expecting a lot from the teachers and the academic institution itself. However, the problem showed in the story is that the parents that are supposed to guide their children as they grow up were not able to do their tasks well. There is a part in the story where Henry said, “There must be a curriculum that will teach students how to be parents.” 

It was evident in one the movie where a student was rudely behaving the office and beat one of his classmates. A person from the school’s admin was talking with the parent but the parent uttered that the reason why his son was acting that way is that because he was not getting the right service from him. There is a problem on how to handle responsibility between the parents and the teachers. Due to much independence in their lives, the students are not taken care of and have no direction in life.

Another part of the story also showed another representation, when the school conducted “Parents’ night”. Nobody attended the event that was supposed to be very important to know their children’s needs.

It was shown in the film that one of the most delicate period of a person’s life is their high school stage. This is the stage where students are developing every aspect of their thinking, behavior and perspectives in life. It must not be neglected and must be given proper respond to each individual need of the students. 

There is a character in the story, the teenage girl named Erica that represented a kind if teenage person whose life was destroyed and then redirected into good pathway in efforts of Henry. The same story goes with Meredith, she just lives alone (it was not directly stated though). We can also say that she is a kind of introvert person. She doesn't have anyone to talk with. One common denominator from the two girls is that they are both seeking for attention and inspiration in life that they eventually see in the personality of Henry. They need someone who gives importance to them, a person who will guide them continuously. The stage that they are in was implicitly described in the film as a very crucial stage that must be given enough time and patience to taken care of. If the people that are supposed to comply into this responsibility will fail to do it, they will resort into worst decisions, most unfortunately is just to raise their white flags and commit suicide.

One thing I also commend about this film is the teacher’s management of students’ behavior and learning ways. The film showed various ways how to handle the worst students in a class or in a school generally. Different teachers have their own strategies on teaching students, not only about the knowledge that they need to learn in the classroom but also the behavior and attitude that they need to acquire as they grow up. Students have different backgrounds and way of coping up into academic problems.

For example, in a one situation in the movie when Henry first entered the class there was one student who was disrespectful but Henry didn't treat it as a problem but just let the student decide if he wants to attend the course or not. The way he also handles that class with so many rude students was seen uniquely in the movie. He tried to assess with each individual students and observed their skills, eventually adopting a strategy into it. He was not too serious in the class but just applying the lesson into daily experiences that the student might also experience. 

Another example, when the guidance counselor advised one student that she must not wear clothes that shows her body explicitly into the people. The girl was too rude that it was hard to make her believe that wearing that kind of cloth is bad for her. The guidance counselor talk with her in a way that will make the student realize what she did was wrong. He let the student see an internal part of a woman with gonorrhea. Then the girl refused to see it. The guidance counselor emphasized that if she also wants to be respected, she should not let other people let her private parts. Eventually, the student agreed and got the jacket that was given by the guidance counselor. 

The story gives the viewers idea of how American high school students are facing in that stage of life. It gives a revelation of what necessities are to be filled into those students. Prior to my knowledge, I know that Americans are really independent as they grow older. I know that a lot their parents are not giving much importance to their children because they are giving their children much of liberty and time to decide for themselves. However, the idea that a lot of the student encounters some problems and it is going like a mental disorder is one thing that strikes me a lot. I have realized as an audience how do American at this stage of life in an academic setting release and make it as their extension of their problems. 

As English major who will be teaching in the future I have thought of this idea that in an academic institution, a teacher must expect a lot differences when it comes to the students’ needs. The teacher must comply into it efficiently. Keen observation is a requisite to apply all the strategies that teacher should to upon teaching students. There are a lot of things to consider when you want a student to learn efficiently depending on their abilities and learning styles. The way students, parents, teacher, academic institutions responds to each and everyone’s needs reflects what kind of culture a specific society possesses. 

Sa mga Kuko ng Liwanag by Edgardo M. Reyes: In a Marxist Perspective

In the Claws of Brightness (Sa mga Kuko ng Liwanag)  by Edgardo M. Reyes: In a Marxist Perspective

The idea of repression, manipulation, alienation and class struggle are evident in the story written by Edgardo M. Reyes. It gives us an idea of materialism present in the authentic society we are part of. It also mirrors that people in this world, regardless of any community, are not spiritual beings but socially constructed ones. We are not products of divine design but creations of our own cultural and social circumstances (Dobie 84). What define us are not our philosophical and religious beliefs but our capability to adapt to this “material world”.

In this story, Reyes tries to expose the reality of the real world especially in the social context he had chosen, which is a clear manifestation of a social institution according to Marxists. Marxism, as a type of literary criticism formulated by the ideologies of Karl Marx, with the help of Freidrich Engels, generally view literature "not as works created in accordance with timeless artistic criteria, but as 'products' of the economic and ideological determinants" (Abrams 149). Reyes, through his work, illustrates the system of the society on how the distribution of economic power undergirds the society.

The class conflict is evident in the story. Struggles between classes are not only prevalent but also the inner struggle between the classes itself. The powerful against the incapable is represented in the story which was successfully embellished through the choice of characters and their characterization.

A man itself who experiences poverty will try to lift himself to have a “change”. The “change” that a man is hoping (who experiences the problem which is a product of class struggle) try to overcome the contradiction from what is dictated by the society from who can afford and not. At the situation in the story where Ligaya tried to find a greener pasture to earn more money, the class conflict has already started (Reyes 110). It mirrors the idea of people trying to be one of the higher socioeconomic classes. Therefore creates an ideology that they can have a better life when they are in Manila, the capital city (Reyes 13). People have the notion that when you are in the capital city, you are well off of the material things in this world, but that is not also true to nature. The construction workers in the story are clear examples of how people fall in this ideology.

Another example is the ideology of Imo. He works hard in La Madrid Construction Company to support his education (Reyes 40-41). This is also a clear example of how people want to be in a higher socioeconomic class. They work hard to get a degree so to elevate their social status. Again, it is the society that molds one’s thinking. The society dictates the standards of social ranks which Marxists contradict.

Repression is a concept of a dominating class oppressing the classless group of the society. It is an act associated by manipulation of the workers in a community. Wage earners are good examples of the “manipulated class” and the capitalists who make benefits out of them are the “manipulators”.

The author gives a complete power to Mr. Balajadia to control his people. His character is parallel to tyrants who make their own rules and who break their own-made policies. The holistic decision depends upon on how they squeeze the dew of the fruits. For example, in the part where Atom accidentally broke a porcelain soap dish (Reyes 72), Atong finds Mr. Balajadia sarcastically kind not to respond rudely from the damaged he did. However, when Mr. Balajadia was about to give their salary, Atong was charged with the damage he did. Not to mention, his remaining salary that was not given to him yet, since he started working there, was not also granted. The payment of the damage he did in the construction site is a demonstration of manipulation. It is a clear indication of how bourgeoisie (the upper class people) maneuver the proletariat (the working class). Since the proletariat believes that they can do nothing against them, they just accepted the fact that they are just treated as second citizens, and therefore not allowed to contradict the decisions of those in the upper class. It was clearly stated on page 62 of the book that Atong just accepted the false consciousness that they cannot do something about the current situation. This idea is also supported in the part where Perla did not have the courage to fight for his brother, Atong, who was a victim of injustice. She believed in what other people say that they cannot go against the status quo of the society because if she does so, a bigger trouble might happen. In these examples, it is clear that the proletariat accepted the unfavorable social system without protests or questioning, that is, as the logical way for things to be (Dobie 92). The hegemony (the processes by which dominant culture maintains its dominant position; Felluga) of the bourgeoisie continues to rule the people in the working class, not because they have the power to manipulate them, but because the proletariat itself, accepted the ideology that the society has dictated. No one tries to break the rule.

Manipulation in this case makes the dominant class be in command of the “superstructure”. They are able to control the members of the working class by the extension of their wealth. It gives us the idea of the economic system that molds the society creating a set of social, political and ideological systems and institutions it generates—considering the values, art and legal processes known as the superstructure (Dobie 83). One great example of this is when Atong was telling Julio about the reason why his father was paralyzed (Reyes 29). He said that they once owned a land somewhere in Quezon City when a man named Giazon, took it. He did not know how powerful this man was. Since his father believed that it was theirs, he fought against him. Eventually, by the use of power and wealth, a henchman of this millionaire shot his father causing his father to be paralyzed. This scene depicts the how the hegemony of the upper class (Giazon) dominates those in the lower class.

Alienation is also evident in the story. The proletariats are working for a low salary. They receive less, more than of what they should get (Reyes 11). They receive a payment just enough to sustain their expenses going back to work for the next day. This is an indication of exploitation of their skills as blue collar workers. The author represented the blue collar workers through the characters of Julio, Imo, Atong, Omeng, Benny, Frank, Gido and other construction workers. It is merely a depiction of interpellation which is to accept the ideology of the dominant class (Dobie 92). Commodification is also present in this sense, where workers are not treated as human beings that need proper demands. Their value is utilized in a different way which is not in favor with them.

Moreover, the proletariat who work for one day necessity also experience a lot of struggles when it comes to ratification of their responsibilities from their “boss”. It is prevalent that the free market economy where in businessmen or entrepreneurs competes with themselves, result to marginalization of the “less affording class”. It became a leeway for them to benefit from the needy citizens of the society that leads to making profits out of them. The bourgeoisie, people categorized as the “middle class”, capable of running a business and managing wage earners were represented in the story through the two of the characters namely Mr. Balajadia and Ah Tek.

Capitalism makes a linear division between those people who can own a property from those who can’t afford to earn more than of the wage that they need for a day. It is a clear representation in the story that Mr. Balajadia earns the capital back from his false management to his workers in the construction site.

In conclusion, Marxists believe that the bourgeoisie take advantage of the proletariat while the proletariat have no idea that they are being exploited. In order to change the nasty cycle, the class system should be defeated. Julio and Atong could be considered the Marxists in the story, because they stood against the authority of the upper classes, and realized that they were under a false consciousness. When Atong attacked Mr. Balajadia and was supposed to kill him, is a concrete example of how a proletariat goes against the status quo. Another example is when Julio killed Ah Tek for being unjust to Ligaya. Both the characters represent Marxist in this sense. They believed that the injustice ruling should put to an end.

Reyes’s story, “Sa Mga Kuko ng Liwanag”, is a great example of how should reader fight for their rights. It is a way to educate people to go against the bias standards of the society. Reyes, through his book, is successful in reminding people that they have the privileges to fight for their civil rights.


 Dobie, Anne B. Theory into Practice. Third ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
Reyes, Edgar. Sa Mga Kuko Ng Liwanag. Manila: De La Salle UP, 1986. Print.
Felluga, Dino. "Marxism: Terms." Introduction to Marxism. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.
"Maynila Sa Mga Kuko Ng Liwanag (1975)." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2014.
"Marxist Literary Criticism." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2014.
"| Lesson | Literary Theory: Marxism (Pt 2)." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2014.
"Literary Theory: Marxism." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 2 Sept. 2014.


(It is only in AM Shift)
She is one of the cutest teachers in AM shift. In just first glance, you will think that she really doesn’t know how to talk with other people. You will have a first impression that she is more of an introvert person. But the truth is not, she is really naughty. She is really talkative and kind. I don’t know if it works with all of the people. She’s more of a shy type girl.


She is one of the trusted people in the company. She is of a gay type of person. She can go along well with many types of people. I don’t know the reason but probably it’s because of her wide range of understanding. She will really try to understand things as much as possible. She is gorgeous too.


He is that type of person that you will not notice at the first time. He rarely talks with people whom he just met. He doesn’t want to deal with other people’s problem. He is one of the people that you can trust. He is a jolly type of person too. He is naughty and talkative if you will just try to have a deeper relationship with him.

She is the baby in the morning shift. She is the youngest. She often feels backaches. I don’t know that reason, though. You will have an impression of tameness to her. I guess that is absolutely true! When she first entered the company, she was in a different field and she was able to learn everything with ease. She is really a fast learner.

She lived in the USA during her childhood. She was really a smart girl, I know. The way she talks, the way she moves, the way she narrates her experiences, you will notice that she is of a brainy type of person. I guess one of the reasons is her major. She is a pharmacist and she passed the board exam.


She is one of the cutest in the morning shift. You will be intimidated at the first impression with her. In my case, I was hesitant to talk with her because she looks like an elite type of person. She is the most “kikay” in our shift. However, reality is different. She is also an outgoing type of person too.

She is one of the first teachers in AM shift. She is tame kind of person. Her eyeglasses make her appealing more strict and mature. However, her age is definitely the opposite. She is one of the youngest among the girls. She had devised her own and consistent way of teaching. We noticed that because she often gives corrections to her students. She really wants to help her students on improving their skills. She is well known for the alias of “You Said”.


He is the writer of this article. It doesn’t sound good if I will describe myself I guess. So better try to leave a comment if you know me as a teacher.

(Note: This article is not related to the company. I just want to express my perspective the way I see my colleagues. Smile!)


Makulimlim na ulap tinatago ang daluyog ng tubig ng langit. Ang bawat alikabok ay tumatakip sa aliguyod ng hangin. Nakatingin ang mga mata...