Mga tagasunod

Sabado, Enero 11, 2014


I cared, I suffered.

I love, one word taken away,

from those memories.

Hidden from shadows.

I am now here,

still waiting.

Like a candle,

continuously burning.

For that is my life’s redundancy.

Why not relay,

something that will

pinch my heart.

For that is better.
And you never did.

I wait for nothing.

I look so far from here.

I pushed those highest walls.

I crumpled those strongest thorns.

This face, these hands,

Those memories,
marked with emptiness.

For that is the only left.

I always linger.

Stand as I pretend,
that this battle is ours.

But as I gaze at the darkest sky.

I failed to realize.

That our battle,

That this battle,

-Is only mine.

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