Mga tagasunod

Sabado, Enero 11, 2014


The light starts to assemble,
a chaotic day for me.
I flew in the sky of infinity.
I surmount the land,
thousand of eyes gazing.
I walk to the street of prominence.
Multitude applauds for me.
Extending my hand.
Standing with profound esteem.
This is the role,
I used to portray
in the silhouettes of my dreams.
In thou eyes I’m ambitious,
a full threat of antagonism.
If you just know
of my aspirations.
In this genuine settings,
I breathe.
I am just an author.
I am just playing a character I crafted.
And now I glimpse,
how my plot will suppose to end.
A scenario tragic
more than death-
a story of a
commended Hero
where in this authentic world,

as the wicked Villain.

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