Mga tagasunod

Lunes, Hunyo 11, 2018

The Seal

The Seal
By: Alvin C. Alonzo

The soul walks under the rain,
it crashes the solid veins.
The water drops from the heaven.
It pours the face of the unseen.

The soul saw a ghost,
Bold, defined and gold.
The wheels roll on the land,
full of drops and wasps.

They walk until the end.
They went back through the earth,
Touching the sparks of lights,
dancing with furthest sights.

They talk without a sound.
They hear through the grounds.
Caring, tender, and real,
Surreal, baring and chill.

They weren't real,
but the author made them feel.
They feel the warmth of the story,
that they were seal to feel.

Their heart beats,
with the ink of the pen,
Their feet walk through,
the finest paper with gems.

The story has not ended yet ,
but the soul and ghost,
are at its finest thoughts
they are part of the story.

They know they're out of control,
but the story,
they know,

is truly of their own.

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