Mga tagasunod

Lunes, Hunyo 25, 2018

One Day

One day

(A thought to ponder)

One day, you will need to find a place, you will need to face the time that you leave everyone, you will change yourself, you will need to exhaust all of your resorts to step forward. Go to college, find a job and earn for yourself. One day,  you will be walking alone, you will be lost at one point, you will lose the presence of people, you will make an effort to make the presence for people. One day, you will try to correct things, you will correct things because that’s the norm, you will find your own norm, you will go back to those things you thought were truthful but simply not. One day, you will wish that it takes a second to say “No”, you will ask yourself why you opted to say a hundred “Yes”.

One day, you will think of that day.

One day.

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