Mga tagasunod

Martes, Hunyo 5, 2018

The Death of Sprout

The Death of Sprout
By: Alvin C. Alonzo

Is it the love which start?
Or is it the care it came from?
Never asked but the boy just prayed.
A flower to bloom in summer day.

Is it the light which give the life?
Is it the water which make it grow?
All just happened.
Bloomed in snow.

Is it the person make it right?
Is it the time to say you fight?
I’d never known it all happened.
Just took a snap to make it glow.

One day, it all came dried.
The sprout just died.
When does it die?
When does it say a hard goodbye?

Don’t worry young boy,
It was never vanished,
Sprout converted part of your summer day.
Memories of the sprout,

will forever flourish.

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