Mga tagasunod

Huwebes, Hunyo 7, 2018


By: Alvin Alonzo

Sat on a chair where it is cold,
A glass beside covered with bold.
The foam is soft, totally tough.
I breath a minute for every second.

The bomb exploded slowly, slowly,
Releasing the flakes deeply within.
Relinquished the dim of the genuine feelings.
The chair now covered with dusk and rain.

I hold your back.
I hold your ears.
It's soft as the dusk mixed with the breeze.
It's hard as the rock founded without ease.

The bomb returned into solitude,
Two souls now talk, slowly and hardly.
They whisper the words clearly and calmly,
It is a word of three plus the name of me.

Dusk turns to heaven,
Rain became the cover,
Of the feeling they share,
With this infinity…

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