Mga tagasunod

Miyerkules, Hunyo 13, 2018

Mirror of Yesterday

Mirror of Yesterday
By: Alvin Alonzo

I am sorry for saying yes,
the light that crossed the bottle.
I am sorry for saying go,
Making the water spilled on the castle.

I am sorry for fixing the door,
which had never been broken.
I am sorry for cleaning the window,
full of cracks and crow.

I am sorry for making a house,
not meant to be lived.
I am sorry to make you warm,
then causing you that grief.

I am sorry for yesterday,
Which I always pray.
I am sorry but it is better,
if we had just chose to settle.

I am sorry for can't explain,
You can't forget the pain.
I also felt the same.
We are part of the chain.

I want to caress you,
Hope by this time you knew.
Me and you are one.
Coz I'm your only guardian.

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